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Comparison between two retail companies picked are Walmart and Costco

The two retail companies picked are Walmart and Costco whose 2017 Financial statement links are provided below: WALMART wmt/financials?query=income- statement COSTCO cost/financials?query=income- statement Both organizations are well known brands and position themselves well with their customer base. Walmart’s value proposition is “We save people money so they can live better”. On the other hand, Costco’s value proposition is “All-in-one convenience and everyday affordability”. Both retailers focus on cost saving for their customers. Looking at their financial statements and by analyzing them a few key areas are evident when comparing the two organization. Looking at the current ratio and quick ratio we can determine the short-term solvency of each organization. The current ratio can be determined by dividing the assets by the liabilities. Walmart’s current ratio sits at 0.86 while Costco’s sits at 0.99. The quick ratio is c...


The serial blasts that rocked places in two consecutive days, first it was in Bangalore, next Ahmadabad was the target in India shows that the terrorists are hyper active in more or less any part of India. The lives lost in the blasts, were of innocent civilians, passersby, all were ordinary citizens. The whole world expressed the sympathy and anger against such heinous acts. But the lives lost will permanently damage the prospects of those families whom they belonged to. The vacuum created by the blast victims, none can make up. With the passage of time, it will be mentioned as another terrorist attacks. The terrorists are no different people than their victims. The only difference is what they are paid for planting the explosive. Obviously the front liners in the terrorism are ignorant enough to comprehend any ideology. It is the small bucks what they get, doing such acts, matters. It is their sole point of consideration. So far the most of the people convicted for such acts confirms that. What a irony! The intelligent sources claim they have reasons to believe the terrorist outfits are sneaking through ultra-porous Inda-Bangla borders. This is very much possible since the borders are guarded by corrupt BSFs (Border Security Forces, notorious for their corruptions in smuggling anything for consideration) in Indian side and BDRs with no less reputation for corruption in Bangladesh side. In vast country like India, with its corrupt forces guarding the borders, it is next to impossible to stop infiltration through borders. It is established not only the terrorists with their explosives are finding easy passage; the fake currency notes amounting in Millions are smuggled in. This all undoubtedly, to derail the India socio-economically.
Be it Kashmir, north eastern states of India where terrorism is rampant, the big fishes remain behind the curtain. They are supported by presumably other nations who are neighboring in the region. Just think; had India, Pakistan, Bangladesh been one country, terrorism by Islamic terrorists would have found no place. As at the time of partition the big few, like Nehru, Jinnah was the determinants. Who failed to foresee the massacre that followed the partitions (Oh, what leaders they were!). Though Nehru was rather forced to accept the partition accepting it as “tryst with destiny”, for Jinnah it was his ego and only ego factors what won. He managed to have a separate country for his men whose faith lied with Islam leaving many more, even much more than who joined him in his Pakistan, in India. So, what the partition was for? Just to get a bigger Zamindery for Jinnah? Who had already been suffering from tuberculosis and kept the fact a secret. Had that been known to others, at least we would have not rue over partition or the post partition massacre could have been avoided. The curse of our partition at the time of independence is still haunting us. We inherited it for no fault of ours. This is applicable for all Indians, Pakistanis or Bangladeshis. Any sensible citizens of these three countries agree to that but not their leaders. Who the leaders are? Are they not supposed to reflect the sentiments of those whom they lead? In an ideal state of democracy it should be that. But alas, not the kind of democracy what prevails in these countries. It is farcical! Strangely enough it is the biggest also. Because in India alone can boast of highest number of voters in any democracy in the globe.
Wiping out terrorism and terrorists from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh is not possible. The socio-economic measures prescribed or being taken to cure the evils is failing to show any result. The political masterminding of engineering terrorism has to be stopped. State policing to suspend basically all the activities of any fundamental political, religious or social is the need of the hour. This should be brought into force in all these three countries together. International agency like UN should police the three countries seeing them through such acts sincerely. This alone can see this part of world free from terrorism, at least lessoning of it , immediately.


Geux Tigers said…
Yeah its irony that our govenment does not even condemm with strong words, action is way far.So we are eassily porne to these kind of attacks. Had it been in Israel, they would have retaliated with atleast with two bombs to one israelian death. And in our case I am looking for agression, that will bring the terrorist under fear, and it shouldn't be other way round.
Theghost said…
See, response to terrorism is never aggression or counter-terrorism. You can never stop that in that case. Remember, the struggle of our freedom fighters were termed by British as terrorism! How that was stopped? The Indian independence stopped such terrorism but along with independence there was partition. That has given birth to present day`s terrorism.

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