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Comparison between two retail companies picked are Walmart and Costco

The two retail companies picked are Walmart and Costco whose 2017 Financial statement links are provided below: WALMART wmt/financials?query=income- statement COSTCO cost/financials?query=income- statement Both organizations are well known brands and position themselves well with their customer base. Walmart’s value proposition is “We save people money so they can live better”. On the other hand, Costco’s value proposition is “All-in-one convenience and everyday affordability”. Both retailers focus on cost saving for their customers. Looking at their financial statements and by analyzing them a few key areas are evident when comparing the two organization. Looking at the current ratio and quick ratio we can determine the short-term solvency of each organization. The current ratio can be determined by dividing the assets by the liabilities. Walmart’s current ratio sits at 0.86 while Costco’s sits at 0.99. The quick ratio is c

Some achieve greatness!!

Napoleon the III or IV (I forgot); is remembered with his famous quotation. It goes like this " some people are born great, some achieve greatness and some has greatness thrust upon them'; in fact that was he.

Hear I mention this for Big 'B' or Amitabh Bachan; though I am not a regular cine watcher; but I find it irresistible when his film releases. Usually I watch them at home; not all those can exploit him fully but some like 'Black' and recently 'Paa'; do it. They just show how one can achieve greatness through his diligence. My kudos to Big 'B'.

Hear I am going to show how difficult it was for him to take make-up for 'Paa'. There he played the role of a 13-year old boy Auro, suffering from a rare disorder called progeria.

It used to take four hours for make-up and 10% of the total budget of film was spent for his make-up!

Eight different types of clay were used for his make up.

This was the image 'Auro" was imposed upon.

He wore a denture to modulate his voice of a 13 years old boy. He wore it through out shooting of the flim

.That was Auro;


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