- New employees might influence those around them including peers and immediate leaders. But their impact is limited.Unless their new ideas, work patterns and others are identified by leaders and supported by core employees, further accepted by employees. New employees may change a company’s culture with a slow process.
- Under what condition, change is not possible?
My understanding of “change is not possible” includes two situations:one is a failure of change and the other is somehow a company sticks to change plan and complete it, but the productivity remains as before. This kind change accomplishment has no reason to be celebrated.
There is a rough equation, change=culture+business+
- How can leaders leverage their culture to affect change?
Change is an opportunity to align operations with strategy for improving the business.(Strebel,1996).
One negative exemple
Sometimes even the top managers don’t figure out what change means.
Southwest Airlines’ strategy was to offer “low fares with one-class cabins, homogenous fleets, and point-to-point routes” with a supportive culture — flying planes to serve people and create a new market. This world largest low-cost carrier records a 43 years of profitability. Another companies saw the flourishing business which Southwest enjoyed and they rushed to change and simply copied Southwest’s strategy but all failed. The underlying reason lies in lack of supportive culture. Traditional carriers hold the long-held knowledge about what they are doing, why they do, how they behave , etc. They didn’t recognize themselves in a service business, still look into metrics of how capturing market share and the utilization rate of planes rather than caring more about serving people.(Bonchek&Libert,2017)
Mark Bonchek, Barry Libert.2017. To change your strategy, first change how you think. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2017/05/to-Paul Strebel, 1996. Why do employees resist change? Retrieved from https://hbr.org/1996/05/why-